Leyenda del diablo de Jersey

Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos una leyenda icónica y atemporal nacida entre los Pine Barrens de Nueva Jersey, que rodea a una criatura mítica legendaria a menudo descrita como un homínido con alas de murciélago y pezuña de bestia con una cabeza de caballo o de cabra enmarcada por un conjunto. de cuernos malvados. Se rumorea que posee una velocidad y una fuerza inhumanas, y que anuncia su presencia mediante la emisión de un chillido aullador de otro mundo que se puede escuchar a millas de distancia. ¿Estás seguro de que estás listo para desafiar la historia y la tradición que rodea al diablo de Jersey? Fotos: «2014-08-29 11 51 25 Vista norte-noreste desde la torre de incendios en Apple Pie Hill en Wharton State Forest, Tabernacle Township, New Jersey» por Famartin (con licencia CC BY-SA 4.0 «1-Luzifer» por Franz Stuck (está en el dominio público «Jersey Devil Philadelphia Post 1909» de Philadelphia Newspaper (está en el dominio público «New Jersey Pine Barrens Fall Colors», «New Jersey Pine Barrens Fall Colors #2», «New Jersey Pine Barrens Fall Colors #3” de James Loesch (con licencia CC BY 2.0 «An almanack for the year of Christian account 1687» de Leeds, Daniel. (www.loc.gov/item/rbpe.14000100/) es de dominio público «Wyvern» de David Wright (tiene licencia CC BY 2.0 «Pine Barrens Trees 1», «Pine Barrens Tracks 2» de Matt Swern (tiene licencia CC BY 2.0 «Stephen Decatur npcc 19686» de Alonzo Chappel (está en dominio público) Dominio «Joseph-Bonaparte» por François Gérard (está en el dominio público «Vista al sur a lo largo de Leeds Point Rd por la oficina de correos de Leeds Point, 2021-11-06» por LaetusS tudiis ( tiene licencia CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication “Cedarville State Forest Pond” de Watson Media ( tiene licencia 2.0 “Philadelphia Zoo Sculpture” de Jim, the Photographer ( tiene licencia CC BY 2.0 “Jersey Devil” de Ted Kerwin ( tiene licencia CC BY 2.0 «Pine Barrens» de Jim Lukach (tiene licencia CC BY 2.0

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10 pensamientos sobre “Leyenda del diablo de Jersey

  1. I've been fascinated by tales of the Jersey Devil ever since I was a kid growing up in Delaware!
    ☁️ 🌧️🌧️ ⛈️🌧️ 🌧️☁️🌦️

  2. One story I read was that in the 1890s The Jersey Devil attacked a streetcar and its riders in Philadelphia before the police drove the beast off by shooting at it, even though the bullets had no effect

  3. I have a theory on what the Jersey Devil is. I believe, based on what is stated on the official Audubon society for the Southern Pine Barrens in New Jersey, it is a member of the eagle family. According to the Audubon society bald eagles have been sighted in the Pine Barrens for decades, dipping low during the time DEET was widely used and are still considered an endangered species in that part of the country. So I suspect if we were to chart the number of sightings of the Jersey Devil over the years and compare it to historical recordings of eagle populations we will find a pattern that will prove or disprove my theory. Of course this is only just a theory but if my theory is proven true this could help spread more awareness of the necessity of preserving the Pine Barrens. Also I went to the Six Flags near the Pine Barrens years ago and I even visited that park during the day. It can be a bit spooky but it’s quite peaceful in a way.
    https://www.audubon.org/important-bird-areas/southern-pine-barrens (Audubon page on the Southern Pine Barrens)

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